In press, In review, In prep or In development
- USGS, USFWS, CDFW, CWA, Ducks Unlimited, TNC, and many other wildlife or habitat management or conservation agencies, NGOs and private landowners - Developing an Automated Interactive Monitoring System (AIMS) for Wildlife
- Max Planck Institute & St Andrew’s University - Covid19 Biologging Initiative “Animal responses to COVID lockdowns” (in review, Science)
- University of Montana, Intermountain West Joint Venture, USGS WERC - Long term Conservation of Waterfowl & Drought impacts to wetlands and waterfowl.
- University of Tasmania, Sommerfeld, J et al. - Inter-colonial and regional variation among various populations of Masked Boobies (Sula dactylatra).
- University of Central Queensland; Verlis, K et al. Plastic ingestion of seabirds of the Great Barrier Reef: tracing and comparing bird movements with evidence of plastic ingestion.
*Also see Publications list for published papers from collaborative projects