Transferrable skills
- Project & Team management: organization, supervision (incl. field crew); simultaneous collection of multiple data streams, budgets, risk assessment, work prioritization.
- Communication: various formats (written, TV, media, in-person), proposals, research, scientific, public engagement.
- Engagement & relationship development: initiating, developing, building and fostering relationships with diverse community & stakeholder groups, academic, industry, governmental and non-governmental institutions.
- Telemetry: GPS, GLS, PTT Satellite and radio transmitters *Electronics: Accelerometry, temperature/depth, pit tags.
- Remote sensing: large complex environmental/ocean datasets.
- ArcGIS and R: advanced modeling, analysis and mapping *Animal handling: many birds, marine and terrestrial taxa *Project & Experimental design: idea development, objective setting, leading research teams, setting protocols, organizing complex logistics.
- Data management: collection, management, analysis and interpretation.
Animal movement
I designed, developed and conducted 18 successful tracking studies of seabirds and waterfowl, using and developing innovative deployments of GPS, GLS, PTT and accelerometry devices in short and long term studies.

I employed or designed innovative and highly diverse tracking methodologies and environmental/species modelling techniques which are broadly applicable to a diverse range of investigations of animal movement and ecology.
Ecological modelling & advanced statistics
Experienced with R and ArcGIS to manage, classify, map and analyzing very large movement and environmental datasets using advanced statistical and modelling techniques.

Advanced statistics and ecological modelling techniques for theoretical and applied science to characterize resource environments, investigate and assess animal/environment interactions, movement, behavior, habitat use, trophic mechanisms, and the impacts of human activities and climate-change.
Global applications & climate-change biology

On the larger scale this can help improve understanding of climate-change impacts to species, habitats and ecosystems, global change biology and refine and enhance management and conservation of biodiversity, diverse taxa and ecosystems.