Australasian Seabird Group
Conference Travel Award to attend and present my work at the 2nd World Seabird Conference (WSC2) in Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 2015 - $500
Conference Travel Award to attend and present my work at the International Albatross & Petrel Conference (IAPC5) in Wellington, New Zealand - Aug 2012 - $500
Birdlife Australia
Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award conference funding to attend and present my work at the 2nd World Seabird Conference (WSC2) in Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 2015 - $1500
Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award - 2013 - $5000
Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award - 2012 - $3000
Birds Australia
Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award - 2011 - $5000
Birds Queensland
Birds Queensland Research Grants - 2014 - $4953
Birds Queensland Research Grants - 2013 - $5000
James Cook University
Honours Research Bursary - 2010 - $5000
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF)
National Climate-Change Adaptation Research Facility - 2010 -
World Seabird Union
Conference Travel Award to attend and present my work at the 2nd World Seabird Conference (WSC2) in Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 2015 - US$1900