TV documentaries
BBC - David Attenborough's Great Barrier Reef - 2014-2016
I was engaged as scientific consultant and seabird expert to work directly with Sir David Attenborough on the 3-part BBC TV documentary. I advised research teams in advance on the science about the island seabird populations, was on-location advisor for filming sites and provided my research results for presentation in the documentary and on the documentary website.
My advisory role was ongoing through final production.
My data and an interview are included on the interactive public website
Other Documentaries
I have been expert advisor on 4 other documentaries (2 for BBC, 1 for Dutch TV and 1 for US TV), aided with locating suitable on-location film sites and provided expertise and scientific background for content. 2009-15.
TV interviews
BBC - David Attenborough's Great Barrier Reef - 2014
When engaged as scientific consultant and seabird expert for Sir David Attenborough I gave an interview (included on the interactive public website) for episode 2 "Visitors" of the documentary series.
ABC Australia National Environment News - Jun 2010
I gave an interview about my research results on climate change impacts to Great Barrier Reef seabirds for Australia's ABC National Environment news.
Special Interest Group research presentation samples
Suisun Landowners - annual scientific and hunter meetings - 2017-23

I present scientific data to stakeholder audiences from industry, government agencies, landowners and academics detailed the current state of research and applicable findings of relevance and importance for wildlife, land and habitat managers both private (Central Valley Joint Venture, Suisun Research Conservation District) and public (government agencies).
Birds Queensland - Nov 2014

As a funding grantee, I presented a 40 minute speech to Birds Queensland members at an annual meeting in Brisbane recently. I presented a broad sketch of all my PhD results to date for which I have received
generous grants from Birds Queensland and without which my research would not have succeeded as it has. I am extremely grateful and it was a pleasure to inform the members the benefit gained from
their generosity and promote further fundraising for future research.
Heron Island Research Station student lectures and field programs - 2010-2014

During the conduct of my research on Heron Island I have frequently presented talks to and escorted into the field, domestic and international school and university students studying tropical or coral reef ecology on course at the Heron Island Research Station.
ABC National Environment News - Jun 2010
I was interviewed for the national environmental news program discussing my research regarding climate change impacts to seabirds of the Great Barrier Reef.