Pacific Flyway Waterfowl & Wetland habitats

2016-current: I am constantly engaged with a wide variety of stakeholders interested in the conservation, preservation and management of very large waterfowl populations and the wetland habitats essential to them.

I present my research results biannually for landowners, partners and stakeholders to inform management actions and strategies for US National Wildlife Refuges, saline lakes, private, state and conservation lands, and I write various public outreach media articles about my research.

US Geological Survey Western Ecological Research Center - Research Spotlight
California Central Valley Ducks Move Shorter Distances and Use Smaller Areas Than Expected
WERC ResSpot 201905 Mcduie - Duck moveme
Adobe Acrobat Document 694.0 KB

Seabird group involvement/outreach and education

Research associated outreach, education and advocacy - Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Galapagos Islands. 

Teaching classes to high school and university/college students, local special interest groups and NGO volunteers.

Australasian Seabird Group - State Representative

2019-current: General Committee Member

2015-2019: State representative (Queensland)

2012-2015:  Student Representative of the Australasian Seabird Group - liaison between student members and the executive committee to boost student membership; judging student grant proposals; organizing student contributions to newsletter.

World Seabird Union

2016 - current:    Co-chair Conservation committee

2013 - current:    Executive Committee member

2013 - 2016:       Chair Early Career Scientist committee

    ECS representative EXCO board

World Seabird Conference WSU2 - Cape Town 2015

Chair of Early Career Scientist (ECS) Committee for World Seabird Conference (WSC2) - Promoting the engagement of early career scientists was a key legacy objective stemming from the inaugural World Seabird Conference. I was elected  as chair to have free reign in forming and leading the ECS Committee and conference events.  

We spent 2.5 years preparing and conducted numerous highly successful events both leading up to and at the recent  World Seabird Union (WSC2) Conference  held in Cape Town, 26-31 October 2015, for the 220 students and Early Career Scientists that attended. Events: 

Co-chair:  "Engaging ECS" Workshop

Co-chair & MC: "Speedy Seabird Social" (or how to obtain jobs and funding for ECS)" - evening 'speed-dating' style dinner event with invited senior scientists.

Organizer/Guide/Mentor:   Conference mentor/guide program

"Meet the Masters" video conference series in lead-up to WSC2.

Presenter: I gave an invited Closing Plenary session in summary of ECS activities, events and future advocacy for ECS.

Our various functions, sessions, workshops and events both at and prior to the conference to aimed to benefit the advancement and retention of ECS in the seabird community. They included:



* Pre-conference Twitter event aimed at those ECSs who will be unable to attend the conference.

 * Google Hangouts in the 6 months prior to the conference to host Q&A sessions with senior scientists.



* 'Engaging ECS workshop - Searching for jobs/applying for funding' - Organised in conjunction with John Croxall and the Legacy committee.

 * 'Speedy Seabird Social' - a speed-dating style event for ECSs rotate among tables for a 5 minute sit-down, Q&A session with a senior scientist; drinks and nibbles evening event.

 * Mentor program at the conference to provide points of contact for ECSs who would like introductions to other researchers.